The Tables, we face multiple times a day, contain all the signs of us.

A cup of water in the morning to open a day, a simplified meal, new groceries on the way home, and some notes for weekend planning.

In this 2022 F/W season, AMOMENTO focused on those precious and various days of the tables.

The flower jacquard, quilting and padded items that increase not only wintery mood but also practicality complete the collection along with the brand’s own minimal, structural silhouettes.

We hope you to add some rhythmical energy on to your days with the key colors consist of creamy butter, deep brown, vivid orange and blue.

하루에도  번이고 마주하는 테이블엔 우리의 소소한 흔적이 남겨져 있습니다

아침을 시작하는  한잔간소한 식사퇴근길에 구매한 식료품과 생필품들메뉴를 고민한 흔적들과 주말을 계획하던 노트 .

아모멘토의 2022 F/W 컬렉션은 이러한 테이블에 담겨진 매우 사소하고도 다채로운 일상에 주목합니다

빈티지한 무드의 플라워 자카드를 포함해 퀼팅패디드 소재의 아이템으로 가을 겨울 시즌의 낭만에 실용적인 아름다움을 더했으며아모멘토 특유의 미니멀하고 구조적인 실루엣을 녹여 조화로운 컬렉션을 완성하였습니다

시즌  컬러인 크리미 버터그윽한 브라운비비드한 오렌지와 블루  테이블  오브제에서 영감받은 포인트 컬러 아이템으로 리드미컬한 에너지를 더해보시길 바랍니다.